Thursday, September 19, 2019

Exploring the Chipmunk Caves in Chilliwack, Canada.

Chipmunk Caves are located along the Chilliwack River. The most well known of Chipmunk Caves are located along Chilliwack River. Some of its larger caves can be found on the other side of Chilliwack River.

There are old ladders that lead to other small openings which were left by the Sto:lo tribe. Many ladders still remain today. These other small openings quickly to more confined spaces within Chipmunk Caves. The main opening reduces quickly to a more confined space. The main cave is the easiest to access as opposed to the few other caves that are difficult to access.

These caves display examples of stalactites, stalagmites, and white flow stones. Broken stalactites and stalagmites can be seen when visiting these caves. Other caves inside of Chipmunk Caves have various different rock formations. There are special rock formations inside Chipmunk Caves. The visit is worth the trip!

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