Saturday, August 22, 2015

Pflugerville, Texas to celebrate 150th anniversary.

The small city of Pflugerville, Texas has been around for 150 years. Pflugerville, Texas started out as a desolate farming community by German immigrants who settled in Texas. There were only 100 there in the 1850s. Pflugerville at that time was considered to be very far away from Austin, Texas.

No governmental body ran the city of Pflugerville, Texas prior to 1965. Travis County ran Pflugerville and the residents had paid state taxes. There were less than 500 residents living in Pflugerville in 1965, so there were no city services. Most of Pflugerville was vast farmland. It was on July 24, 1965 that Pflugerville incorporated as a city. Other than that, Pflugerville has always been a small town with strong stringent community ties. Pflugerville then had a 1,000 residents.

July 24, 2015 was that date that Pflugerville celebrate its 50th anniversary being incorporated as a city. Pflugerville celebrated its 50th anniversary as a city. Residents were proud to do so. Today Pflugerville has around more than 30,000 residents.

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