Sunday, October 1, 2017

Future for Hippo’s Hill Country Hideaway in Spicewood, Texas unknown.

In 2016, Hippo’s Hill Country Hideaway in Spicewood, Texas closed down due to wage labor violations cited by the Department of Labor, low quality service, and a set of other problems. Customers have complained about the lack of service and staff having an unprofessional attitude when doing customer service with customers. Not only have customers complained. Hippo’s Hill Country Hideaway employees have complained too. Hippo’s Hill Country Hideaway failed to pay their workers federal minimum wage.

Hippo’s Hill Country Hideaway was a small successful known restaurant to many Lake Travis residents and Austin citizens along with the rest of Travis County. The rest of Travis County knew about Hippo’s Hill Country Hideaway very well.

Future of the former Hippo’s Hill Country Hideaway building remains unknown presently speaking. However parts from the building have been moved and relocated offsite to an unknown location. The green square single story unit structure at the front entrance is no longer present from street view. Party due to wage labor violations cited by the Department of Labor and a set of other problems.


  1. Hey, I am Diane C. Brown. I am going through your articles. Hill Country Hideaway in Spicewood, Texas closed down due to wage labor violations cited by the Department of Labor, low quality service, and a set of other problems. Customers have complained about the lack of service and staff having an unprofessional attitude when doing customer service with customers. Not only have customers complained. Hippo’s Hill Country Hideaway employees have complained too. Hippo’s Hill Country Hideaway failed to pay their workers federal minimum wage.
