Tuesday, July 19, 2016

What happened with Deray McKesson!

You may know Deray McKesson as an activist/educator from the Black Lives Matter coalition in Maryland, US who has just been released from jail for civil disobedience in a Baton Rouge protest against police brutality.

Deray McKesson went against police orders during a during the Baton Rouge protest against police in July 2016. The protest was held in response to the Philando Castle incident. Police order him and several others not to stand in the street because they would be blocking vehicle traffic. He stood in the street which led to his arrest. Police met with protest organizers ahead of time to know who they would arrest for what expect. Evidently Deray McKesson is known for his civil disobedience at protests.

Activist Deray McKesson has spoken out against his arrest along with police brutality to news organizations such as New York Times, USA Today, Mother Jones, and the like the day he was released from jail. Zero Hedge has interviewed Deray McKesson during a conversation over the phone for example. Over time, he has become a prominent activist to be well known in his own right. He is currently a popular figure in the news right now.

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