Saturday, July 25, 2015

What the GOP is doing!

What the GOP is doing is shoving their right-wing conservative agenda down everyones throats by using FOX News to advertise their GOP campaigns across news television networks and television stations. In their political campaign ads, they attack certain people, deal with certain issues, promote intolerance, focus more on attack ads, and perform acts of hate speech. The GOP has bought out the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. Even the Libertarian Party and Independent Party. Sadly the GOP has gotten votes from US citizens.

What the GOP is doing is using the the Republican Party and the Democratic Party to raise money for their campaigns, advertisements, posters, flyers, and fundraisers that don't actually help anyone but themselves, secret societies, hate groups, the elite, and the citizens from the upper class society. The GOP could care less about you and me along with the other citizens in American society. The GOP only cares about themselves. Some members of the GOP only care about business. GOP has opposed healthcare too!
The GOP has been getting away with raping the United States of its resources from the people for the people. Lobbyists have been giving money to GOP campaigns for quite some years now. The GOP never admits responsibility for their actions in their political decisions either. They think they are always right when in reality they're inconclusive thus being wrong.

We should be very opposed of the GOP after what scandals and political corruption they have created so far. US citizens should vote out the GOP from politics and get their human rights back! The GOP needs to be exposed for who those scumbags really are!

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